AICMAR 2019 Conference

Supervision of Attendance, Assessment and Compensation as a Factor to Improve Performance of Contractor Project Workers
Rojuaniah (a*), Lia Amalia (b), Elistia (b)

Esa Unggul University


One obstacle for mid-scale contractor companies in developing project work performance is the lack of standardized systems and procedures for monitoring the attendance of their workers. Besides that, the standard on work evaluation is not yet running in relation to the calculation of compensation. This can lead to the emergence of fraudulent practices due to the difficulty of supervision which will have an impact on the decline in the performance of project workers and company performance. This study discusses more deeply about the preparation of the model design procedures for attendance reports, work assessment and performance-based compensation to improve the performance of contractor company project workers. This study aims to look at the effect of the level of attendance, job evaluation and compensation systems on the performance of contractor company workers. The object used in this study is a construction company in Jakarta with respondents used as permanent and contract workers. Data was collected through interviews, questioners and FGD. The data processing method uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques to measure the extent of attendance, work assessment and compensation affecting the performance of contractor workers. The results showed that the level of attendance, performance appraisal and compensation affect the performance of workers. A high level of attendance will increase the quantity of work. A clear job assessment in accordance with specified work standards and the provision of compensation in accordance with performance will encourage improvement in employee performance.

Keywords: attendance, assessment, compensation, performance

Topic: Human Resources and Organisations


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