ICoSI 2019 Conference

Shares Waqf an Alternative Financial Instrument in Improving The Communities Welfare: Evidences in Indonesia
Ayu Yuningsih, Yunida Een Friyanti

Islamic University of Indonesia


Waqf is a means in distributing wealth in order to bring economic welfare to communities. Waqf is not only assosiated to the land intended for educational institutions, cemeteries, worship places, and others, but also it can be used as a source of strength to actualize communities welfare and triggered the empowerment of potential economic sectors. The greater and more diverse the waqf assets managed by nadzir appropriately and professionally, the more benefits obtained. Consequently, it will strengthen waqf as an improving factor in the economic sector and communities welfare. According to waqf law, shares are a moving objects that can be used as object of waqf. The main objectives of the current study are to explore the conceptual framework in improving the shares waqf and to identify the uniqueness of the shares waqf in Indonesia. In addition this study investigated the contribution of this type of shares towards communities welfare. This study used qualitative method based on the document analysis of relevant references. The interesting finding of this study indicated that the proper implementation of shares waqf is very beneficial in people economic welfare.

Keywords: Share Waqf, Communities Welfare, Indonesia

Topic: International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/8cf6prdbt7jV

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