BIS 2019 Conference

Irrigation Channels as Alternative Energy: Micro Hydro Power Plants
Deria Pravitasari (a*), Johan Pamungkas (b), Sapto Nisworo (c), Muhammad Amin (d)

(a,b,c) Department of Electrical Engineering, Tidar University
Kapten S.Parman 39 Magelang 56116 Indonesia
(d) Departement of Civil Engineering Tidar University
Kapten S.Parman 39 Magelang 56116 Indonesia


The Micro Hydro Power Plant is one of the plants with alternative energy sources that can be developed. Micro Hydro has the potential to produce energy from water movement due to sufficient difference in elevation and discharge. Irrigation channels have the potential for water resources that can be utilized for hydropower. Irrigation channel discharge in general is relatively fixed so that it becomes an excess because the discharge fluctuation is not too high. When added together, the potential of micro-hydro in irrigation channels is able to generate significant electricity. This paper will discuss Micro Micro planning with a low head suitable for irrigation channels and flat river flow. The results obtained will be used as a reference for developing small-scale power plants in the future.

Keywords: micro hidro, irrigation channels, low speed generator

Topic: Electrical Engineering


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