SBICSSE 2019 Conference

Development of Basic Motion Learning Models Based on Traditional Games in Early Childhood
Reza Resah Pratama1*, Sukirno1, and Syafaruddin1

Universitas Sriwijaya


Abstract. This research aims to develop a product in the form of a basic learning model based on traditional games for early childhood. This study uses a research and development model. The subjects of this study were children aged 4-6 years totaling 80 people. Data was collected through documentation, observation, interviews and basic motion tests. Data analysis was performed descriptively, qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the test scores based on observations before given a basic game learning model based on traditional games for children aged 4-6 years was a pretest of 6.28 and after being given an increase treatment to 9.57. Percentage before treatment 46% (37 subjects) were able to take the test, whereas after treatment 85% (68 subjects) were successful in taking the test. This proves that the basic motion learning model based on traditional games can approach the predetermined targets and the objectives of this traditional game are achieved.

Keywords: Development, Models Based on Traditional

Topic: Challenge on Education in Facing the Development of Industry 4.0


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