BIS 2019 Conference

Development of Character Education Model Based on School Culture
Hardianto Rahman, Jamaluddin, Umar

Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Sinjai


The objectives of this study are: (1) to obtain empirical data about the implementation of character education in Sinjai, (2) to produce a valid and practical School-based character education model. (3) produce effective School-based character education models. This study was designed using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). To get a valid, practical and effective model, instruments and model devices were developed. The products produced are model books, teacher manuals and guidebooks for students. The research results are: (1) the results of the preliminary study at the analysis stage revealed that the implementation of character education has not been carried out comprehensively, the fulfillment of the environmental situation and school culture supporting the implementation of character education has not been fulfilled as a whole and the character of students is generally low, (2) culture-based character education models the school fullfil the validity criteria, and practicality. Declared valid based on the results of the validity test by experts and practical based on the results of the teacher-s response to the application of the model in the category of “very good”. The results of the implementation of the model are categorized as “very good”, (3) the model of school culture based character education meets the effectiveness criteria because it gets a positive response from students and can improve the character of students.

Keywords: Character Education Model, School-Based Culture

Topic: Education


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