ATASEC 2019 Conference

Historical Role Playing Game Application of Sunan Ampel
Mr. Kholid Fathoni, Mrs. Edgar Theovanny Adventure, Mr. Fahim Nur Cahya Bagar

Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya


Sunan Ampel is a religious figure and one of the legendary members of Walisongo in Surabaya even on Java. The history of Sunan Ampel is rarely known by the public or even very little information is known about him. This is because the existing references are still limited, difficult to obtain and not interactive. Therefore we need media that can describe the history of Sunan Ampel interactively and not based on textbooks. This can be overcome by developing game-based Sunan Ampel historical applications. This game is built with two-dimensional characters and the genre of Role Playing Game. There are 3 phases in the history game Sunan Ampel, namely: the phase in Wonokromo, the phase in Yellow Flower, and the phase in Ampel. Some NPCs are involved such as some wild animals, residents, Kibang Kuning and Prabu Brawijaya. The blackbox testing of interface and game design results show that all game features are running well on desktop platforms and the games storyline has illustrated some of the history of Sunan Ampel.

Keywords: History of Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Game Applications, Role Playing Games, Desktop Platform

Topic: Computer Science and Engineering


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