ICAST 2019 Conference

Several factors affect the consumption of animal foods in the coastal areas in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi
Abdul Rahman, Veronica Sri Lestari and Siti Nurlaelah

Faculty of Animal Husbandry - Hasanuddin University


The aim of this research was to know several factors affect the consumption of animal foods in the coastal areas in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi. The research was conducted in 2019. Data were collected from community surrounding the coastal areas tottaled 81 person. Data were collected through food recall for a month. Data were analyzed using linier regression model. Animal foods consumption was dependent variable, while independent variables consisted of age, level of education, number of family and income. The results of this research revealed that adjusted R square was 39.2, meaning that 39.2% of the independent variables contributed to the model, while 60.8% were contributed by ohter factors which were not included in the model. Simultaneously, all independent variables affect significantly to consumption of animal foods (P<0.05). Partially, only income affect significantly to consumption of animal foods (P<0.05).

Keywords: Animal foods, consumption, coastal areas

Topic: Socio-economic of animal science

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/9BK6VzYpg28k

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