ICIEVE 2019 Conference

Didactic Model of Information and Communication Technology Literacy of Vocational Teachers
Saripudin S , S.Sumarto , E.A Juanda , Ade Gafar Abdullah

Technology and Vocational Education Study Program, Post Graduate Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research synthesizes study findings about the didactic model of information and communication technology of vocational high school teachers. The studied journals were issued from 2015 to 2019. This paper discusses the problem of preparation of teachers deal with vocational learning in 21st century, which is learning can be conducted in a virtual, online, and remote way; in other words it does not require a place. To support this learning, teachers should have the skills to deal with it, overcome ICT literacy and communication. In addition to reading and writing, literary learning in the 21st century also has a broader understanding, i.e. technology literacy, information literacy, media creativity and social responsibility and competence. From several studies that have been done, didactic model of information and communication technology literacy of vocational teachers is one of the solutions made in 21st century vocational learning. The didactic model studied is TPCK. Pedagogical Content Knowledge Technology (TPCK) is known in the field of educational research needed to test the knowledge needed by teachers to integrate the three domains of technological knowledge, pedagogy, and content. The 21st century learning requires teachers to have good didactic skills and support abilities in their ICT fields. This ICT capacity is related with the teacher literacy of ICT.

Keywords: didactic model, information and communication technology literacy,vocational teachers

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/9DvtdCumHkUa

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