SWOT Identification of Priority Plantation Plant Development in Sukoharjo Districts
Irma Wardani (a*), Tria Rosana Dewi (b)
a) Agribusiness Islam Batik Surakarta University
Jalan KH Agus Salim no 10 Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
b) Agribusiness Islam Batik Surakarta University
Jalan KH Agus Salim no 10 Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Development of identical plantations with large industrial components and sources of state revenue to make plantation products for export. The selection of priority commodities to be developed can contribute to regional development. This research aims to determine priority plantation crops to be developed in Sukoharjo districts. The data analysis technique used is the AHP method The results indicate the direction of the development of plantation crops, namely productivity. The priority plantation crops developed in Sukoharjo districts are Sugar Cane (0.2929), Coconut (0.2017), Tobacco (0,1650), Medicinal Plants (0.1283), Cashew (0,1259), Cattonwood (0.0085). Identification on the development of estate crops as follows internal factors: 1) strengths: available land, farmer the asosiasion, social culture, availability of human resources, 2) weaknesses: low farmer education, lack of farmer coaching, expensive labor. External factors: 1) opportunities: availability of seeds from the government, mechanization assistance for land, market demand, expansion of land, the presence of sugarcane processing factories 2) threats: land use change, sugarcane farmers competition, pest and disease attacks, farmers moving to other sectors .
Keywords: Plantation crops, AHP, sugar cane
Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture