GIESED 2019 Conference

Analysis reliability of powerplant at Southern Sulawesi with integration wind power plants
Fauziah (1,2*), Ardiaty Arief (1,2), Sri Mawar Said(1,2)

1. Center for Research and Development on Energy and Electricity, Hasanuddin University,
Makassar 90245, Indonesia

2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Gowa 92119, Indonesia


One of several important aspects in the operation of the electric power system is the reliability of the electric power system. It is affected by the large capacity of the generating system. Two conditions are used to analyze the reliability of the system in this thesis, those are before and after integrated wind powerplants. In analyzing the reliability system at Southern Sulawesi, we use the LOLP and LOLE reliability indexes. It is expected that with the existence of wind powerplants, the reliability of the electric power system in Southern Sulawesi will be better.

Keywords: Reliability, LOLE,LOLP

Topic: Smart Grid Technology


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