The Effect of Human-Centric Brands and Online Store Image on Social Media Engagement in Bandung City Small and Medium Enterprises
Rama Chandra Jaya, Aditya Yudanegara, Sunu Puguh Hayu Triono
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Membangun (STIE INABA) Bandung - Indonesia
Nowadays many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia use social media as a marketing channel. They utilize Social Media for free promotional media, provide information quickly and increase brand awareness. But the percentage of their engagement is below 1%. Low engagement will make the use of social media ineffective. Published research has dealt with a great deal about social media engagement, but has not yet addressed the human-centric brands towards social media engagement. No research has been developed regarding human-centric brands in SMEs in developing countries.The research method is descriptive verificative, with the aim of analyzing the application factors of Human-Centric Brands and Online Store Image on Social media engagement. The population of this research is the Indonesian city bandung community. The number of samples in this study were 140 people. The results of this study indicate a positive interaction from Human-Centric Brands on Social Media Engagement. But the presence of online stores is not positive towards Social Media Involvement. This research is expected to be a guide for SMEs to increase the effectiveness of social media so that it can be used as a promotional channel, effective information, and increase awareness of SME brands.
Keywords: Human-Centric Brands, Online Store Image, Social Media Engagement
Topic: Marketing Management