BIS 2019 Conference

The Meaning of Truant Behavior for Junior and Senior Highschool Students in Indonesia
Siti Atiyyatul Fahiroh

Faculty of Psychology
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia


Abstract—Truant behavior has become a national concern that requires attention. In general, truant behavior is often explored mainly from the perspective of parents, teachers, and society who views students as being at fault. Very few have observed this phenomenon from the students- perspective. This study aimed to understand what truant behavior means to junior and senior high school students. This research is a qualitative study using a phenomenological approach. The data were analyzed following Miles and Huberman-s model. The data were collected through an interview. The inclusion criteria for participant selection include: (1) active junior and senior high school student, (2) performed a form of truant behavior for more than six months. In total, there are three participants involved in this study. The findings reveal that junior and senior high school students interpret the meaning of truant behavior into at least one of three categories: troublesome value, a solution to helplessness, and a form of peer conformity.

Keywords: Keywords—truant behavior, school psychology, truancy

Topic: Psychology


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