ICAST 2019 Conference

Muh Ikmal Saleh(1*),Didi Rukmana(2), Nurdjanah Hamid(3),

(1)Student in the Agribusiness Program Study at postgraduated Hasanuddin University, *muhikmasaleh[at]pasca.unhas.ac.id
(2)Departemen of Agribussines, Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(3) Departemen of Managemen, Faculty of Economy. Hasanuddin University
Perintis kemerdekaan km. 10 Makassar 90245 South Sulawesi


Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L) is one of the horticultural commodities that gets priority for the development of diversified food consumption, so that potatoes are one of the most important food commodities in the world. One type of potato cultivated by Indonesian people is granola potatoes. In terms of cultivation, potatoes are more resistant to the pests or diseases. Granola potato is the one of vegetable commodities that has a prospective business opportunity, potato commodity is one of the leading commodities in the District Tombolo Pao. The method in this research is a qualitative and quantitative methods which includes: descriptive analysis, farming analysis, IFE and EFE matrix analysis, SWOT analysis. The results of analysis show that the condition of the potato agribusiness system in the District of Tombolo Pao is still not optimally, which is caused by not functioning upstream subsystems, where the subject of production facilities is still done individually which causes the lack of production inputs, namely the problem of granola potato seeds. In the farming subsystem, potato cultivation has provided benefits to farmers, so this farming is feasible to be developed. In the marketing subsystem, potatoes have been marketed to Borneo and Southeast Sulawesi. The prices are determined by collectors. In the downstream (processing) subsystem, not all of the processed potato entrepreneurs use potatoes as their raw material, which causes new potatoes to be sold in fresh products. In the service and support subsystems, supported by agricultural extension workers who accompany and provide information related to potato cultivation, but from supporting capital, farmers have not utilized credit provided by financial institutions because they still use private capital. Based on the identification of internal and external factors, various desires are obtained to always go forward and learn from farmer groups and the government.

Keywords: Agribusiness, Strategy development,

Topic: Extension of agriculture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/9jLbydEvftqp

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