AIFC 2019 Conference

Analysis of The Market Structure Condition On BPR Sharia in Indonesia Period 2012-2017
Delviana Rodzifatul Darmawanti; Lina Nugraha Rani, S.E., M.SEI

Department of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Economics and business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya


The importance of the existence of micro-economy in the development of BPRS society makes the existence of the BPRS in Indonesia is increasingly high. The rapid developments on the BPRS in Indonesia offset by intense competition in the market. The number of banks who compete by offering similar products make increasing levels of competition. In this study, the authors use quantitative methods approach Panzar and Rosse models, the Concentration Ratio, and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. Data capture techniques used are purposive sampling, where there are 80 BPRS that have met the criteria of research samples. The data used are secondary data in the form of financial statements BPRS published in official website of BI or OJK. This study analyzed data on using the Fixed Effect Model. The results of this research show that Sharia in BPR Indonesia during the period 2012-2017 earn income under his monopolistic competition market with a value of H-statistics of 0.858433. While based on the analysis of the Concentration Ratio and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index shows that the large bank group is a bank that has a very high concentration levels, while the bank group for middle and small banks working in the environment a more competitive with a relatively low concentration levels.

Keywords: Total Assets, Total DPK, Total Financing, BPRS, Panzar-Rosse models, CR4, HHI

Topic: Islamic Finance and Banking


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