BIS 2019 Conference

Copyright As Productive Waqf Asset
Dakum, Puji Sulistyaningsih, Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja*

Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


The issuance of the Waqf Law in Indonesia changes the assets paradigm from immovable to movable objects. This change was followed by the development of the waqf management model, namely, productive waqf. As a movable asset, Copyright has a high economic potential as a means of prospering the community. This study aims to identify Copyright criteria that can be used as productive waqf assets. This research was conducted by examining Government Laws and Regulations on Waqf, Copyright Law, Fatwa of the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI). The results show that Copyright can be used as a productive waqf asset provided that (1) the assets are obtained in a halal manner (2) has a long-lasting (3) has economic value as measured by a valuator (4) the object of Copyright can be developed the economy. In order to be managed optimally, Nadzir has a role in developing the object of Copyright. Thus, the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) needs to foster Nadzir to have competence in the development of copyright waqf asset.

Keywords: Copyright; productive waqf assets; social welfare

Topic: Law


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