The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Work Stress on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as A Mediator at Anti-Corruption Institution in Indonesia
Febria Angelina Lebang, Niken Ardiyanti
Faculty of Economics and Business, Indonesia University
Jl. Prof. Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Depok 16424, Indonesia
The number of corruption cases in Indonesia that have been revealed from year to year has added to the work-load of employees to take action on the cases to completion to restore financial state losses resulting from these acts of corruption. The job characteristic that requires employees to be available at all times has also affected the balancing of two domains: work and non-work, especially employees who work in the office of deputy for enforcement. This research aims to examine the relationship between work-life balance and work stress on turnover intention and the effect of job satisfaction in mediating relationships between these variables among employees of Deputy for Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Institution in Indonesia. This research was conducted using quantitative method through the distribution of questionnaires. An amount of 218 respondents were obtained as a sample of a population of 427 specialist and administrative employees. Hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling (SEM) using Amos 23. The results found that there were positive influences on the relationships between work stress and turnover intention, both directly and in-directly through the mediation of job satisfaction. The results also revealed that there was no direct effect on work-life balance and turnover intention relationship, but indirect effect was found through the mediation of job satisfaction.
Keywords: Work-life balance; work stress; job satisfaction; turnover intention
Topic: Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management