APMRC 2019 Conference

Strategy Digitizing Development Of Tourism Destinations East Coast In South Sulawesi Indonesia
Andi Cudai Nur1, Haedar Akib2, Risma Niswaty3

Universitas Negeri Makassar 1,2,3
Makassar Indonesia


According to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 by the World Economic Forum (WEF), in ASEAN, Indonesia is ranked fourth after Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. The tourism sector can be a Core Economy Indonesia, as one of the key factors in increasing revenue service exports, job creation, and the development of the tourism industry. Government efforts in the development of tourism potential in Indonesia, namely how stretched local governments to follow-up programs and activities in the area of tourism development, respectively.This method focuses on collecting and analyzing data and combining quantitative data and qualitative data both in a single study and a series of studies. The central premise on which this method is based is to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to find better research results than if only using one approach (Ujang Murana, downloaded 23 July 2016, 22:21). Whatever the level of the tourism destination of life cycle needs to be supported by technology and digitalization literacy on aspects: 1) Features cultural, historical conditions, cultural and social conditions affect the process and outcome. 2) The framework administrative, legal and political, with various administrative provisions, rules and regulations, and political conditions of tourism development. 3) The degree of integration is the level of integration of various parties, including the implementation of the tourism business models.

Keywords: Strategy, Digitizing, Area Development, Tourism and Infrastructure

Topic: Hospitality and Tourism

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/AB74HVcku3fQ

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