ATASEC 2019 Conference

Implementation Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Algorithm for Monitoring and Assessing The Students Attitudes at SMK Negeri 2 Singosari
Adelia Rokhmawati (a), Deina Amanda Amivisca (b), Heru Wahyu Herwanto (c), Utomo Pujianto (d)

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Jalan Semarang No. 5, Malang, Indonesia.
a) adeliarohma[at]
b) deinaamivisca[at]
c) heru_wh[at]
d) utomo.pujianto.ft[at]


Attitudes assessment is one of the aspects of the assessment in Curriculum of 2013 or the K13. In order to assess the students attitudes in Curriculum 2013, a set of new rules has been implemented by Vice Principal for student affairs of SMK Negeri 2 Singosari in academic year 2017/2018. This is applied by having the students achievement books called Buku Prestasi Peserta Didik to monitor both their academic and non-academic activities. It is in the form of the students printed handbook. Both filling in the books and calculating the points that the students obtain are still done manually. Consequently, this manual process takes long time and arises some problems. Therefore, a solution to overcome these problems is needed. A possible solution to entering data accomplishments or violations committed by the students, monitoring the students attitudes both inside and outside their classrooms and calculating the results of end points they earn that will become the basis of the ranking points of their attitudes. This research aims at developing an Application for Monitoring and Assessing The Students Attitudes. The application was developed using a Waterfall Model consisting of four steps: (1) Analyze, (2) Design, (3) Code, and (4) Test. The application also implements the algorithms Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) for the process of ranking points the students attitudes of one class. In addition to developing products, product feasibility testing process was conducted to find out the level of validity and feasibility of the product to be applied in SMK Negeri 2 Singosari. Testing conducted by expert information systems and was based on the results from testing the functionality of the information system that obtained an average percentage of trial results functionality of 100%. Then testing was conducted by users at every level of user. Based on the results of the testing by users, it obtained an average percentage of trial results functionality of 99.88% and the average percentage of the results of the usability of 92.21%. Thus, this implies that this application was rated as excellent that can be used in SMK Negeri 2 Singosari as application for monitoring and assessing the students attitudes.

Keywords: Application for Monitoring and Assessing The Students Attitudes; Ranking Points; Simple Additive Weighting; Waterfall

Topic: Information Systems Technology


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