AES 2019 Conference

Ruangguru as a Reconceptualization of Education in the Era of Disruption
Lydiawati Suparto, Nihta V.F. Liando

Universitas Negeri Manado


Todays generation is very close to technology and intensively spending more time with gadgets. Gadgets never get out of their hands. This fact has serious impact on the lack of interest in learning by means of conventional methods. For final year students, tutoring seems to have become mandatory before taking part in the National Examination. Apparently the learning system in tutorial meets the needs of students. This paper aims at reviewing the application of online tutorial system Ruangguru using descriptive method. It found out that in the disruption era of our times, Ruangguru presents itself as one of the responses to the needs of the current generation. Online tutoring with methods that have been adapted to technological advances and market needs is one form of reconceptualization of education in the era of disruption. It is expected that online tutoring does not depart from the values or substance of formal education which has components called learning concepts that support the successful implementation of education.

Keywords: disruption era, Ruangguru, education.

Topic: Other Areas of Education


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