ICMScE 2019 Conference

The influence of read, answer, disscuss, explain, and, create model on the mastery of concepts of elementary school students in water cycle topic
Dadan Setiawan, Wahyu Sopandi, Tatat Hartati

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Abstract. Improving students- understanding of the material being studied is one of the main goals in education. This study aims to determine the influence of read, answer, disscuss, explain, and create model (RADEC) on the mastery of concepts of elementary school students in water cycle topic. This research is quasi-experimental research that is experimental class using RADEC model and control class using conventional model. The samples used in this study are 38 students in the experimental class and 39 students in the control class. Data collection techniques using test. From the results of research indicate that the pre-test score are 48,02 in the experimental class and 45,67 in the control class. After treatment, the results of post-test score are 85,85 in the experimental class and 79,05 in the control class. Using t-test, the result of sig value obtained = 0.00, so the results indicate possitive effects of the RADEC model in improving the mastery of concepts of elementary school students.

Keywords: Model RADEC, penguasaan konsep, siklus air

Topic: Science Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/AtE9zfQnjupX

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