ICONBEAT 2019 Conference

Degradation of Phorbol Esters Present in Jatropha curcas Seed by Biologically Detoxification
Hany Handajani*1, Soni Andriawan1, Riza Rahman Hakim1, Ganjar Adhywirawan1

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang 65144, Indonesia


International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology (ICON-BEAT) 2019 Malang, Indonesia, November 7th, 2019 Degradation of Phorbol Esters Present in Jatropha curcas Seed by Biologically Detoxification Hany Handajani*1, Soni Andriawan1, Riza Rahman Hakim1, Ganjar Adhywirawan1 1 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang 65144, Indonesia (Email: handajani@umm.ac.id, soniandriawan@umm.ac.id, riza.umm@gmail.com, ganjar@umm.ac.id) Abstract. The application of fermentation is one of ancient methods to increase food quality biologically. Availability of Jatropha curcas residual from oil factory could be focused as nutrient replacement in feed fish which is known its nutrient from soybean meal or fish meal. In other hand, J. curcas redidual possesses a toxic compound as well. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of Aspergilus niger on the nutrition and toxic content of J. curcas as potential ingredient of fish feed. In brief, J. curcas residual was fermented with a detoxification method at 3, 5 and 7 days. Crude protein content crude fat content, crude fiber content was assessed to discover the biological responses of J. curcas post-fermentation while phorbol ester content was evaluated to toxic content post-detoxification. The results showed that crude protein content and crude fat content was highest on day 7 post-fermentation but it was no significant difference (p<0.05). While crude fiber content showed significant difference which the day 3 fermentation had the highest content of fiber. For phorbol ester content, three days fermentation showed better result than control group (p<0.05). The present findings suggest that A. niger is recommendable as starter fungi to reduce fiber and toxic content of J. curcas residual at 3 day fermentation. INTRODUCTION Feed is one of the factors that influence the growth of farmed fish. Intensive cultivation relying on commercial feed. Sources of protein in the diet comes from animal protein and vegetable protein. The main source of vegetable protein feed that is generally used is soy flour. Value of soy protein which is 34.39% . According Ardiansyah (2011), that the use of soy flour in commercial diets ranged between 10-25%. However, soybean prices are high now and still be imported. According to the Ministry of Commerce (2014), that the price of imported soybean in Indonesia, namely 11.342 rupiah / kg. The increase in soybean prices have resulted in increased price of commercial feed. It is not followed by the price of fish, affecting the sustainability of fish farming in Indonesia. One alternative to reduce the use of soy flour that is take advantage of other feed ingredients such as Jatropha Seed Cake. Availability of jatropha seed meal in Indonesia is very abundant due to increased production of castor oil as an energy source instead of petroleum. One ton of dry

Keywords: Aspergilus niger, nutrient content, toxic compound, seed Jatropha curcas residual.

Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/BDRuktHMYh8r

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