Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Through of Local Wisdom
Mimien Irawati Al Muhdhar (1a), Hadi Suwono(1), Ni Luh Putu Emayanti (1), Muhammad Shalahuddin Rahmansyah(2)
1) Biology Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Malang
2) Sekolah Tinggi Insdustri Turen
a) mimien.henie.fmipa[at] b) emayanti0954[at]
Subak is a traditional organization of farmers in Bali that regulates irrigation systems in a particular area. Subak as a socio-religious pattern that is based on the cultural principle Tri Hita Karana (THK). The purpose is to conserve natural resources through of THK. The component of THK can continue to be used as a powerful tool for mitigating negative impacts of current on the nature and its resources. The research method used was an exploratory survey method by conducting a survey on application of local wisdom. Data was analyzed descriptively. The research locations were in Subak Guama. Each component of THK is elaborated so as to obtain components that have a significant effect on the conservation of natural resources. The results showed these components produced 69.33% of air resources (Bedugul Temple), pawongan component 74.56% of resources for the functioning of agricultural resources such as roads and irrigation channels and palemahan component 79.98% of agroecological components and biota such as: fauna, flora and microbes. Conservation through local wisdom can maintain natural resources in agroecological indicators and biota in subak. Local wisdom is appropriate to be used as a basis for the conservation of natural resources in Subak.
Keywords: local wisdom, air resources, irrigation channels, agroecological, biota
Topic: Bioconservation