BIS 2019 Conference

Design and development of vehicle braking test equipment using MyRio and LabVIEW graphical user interface
Riky Maulana Firdaus (a*), Bambang Supriyo (a), Amin Suharjono (a), Ida Udlhiya (a)

a) Politeknik Negeri Semarang


A vehicle braking test equipment is used to test the vehicle braking force for each axis and braking force efficiency This paper discusses the development of electronic system and Graphical User Interface (GUI) for axle load and brake tester platform using myRio and labVIEW Software. The new electronic system is developed consisting of instrument amplifier INA121 for load cell ampilfiers, NI myRIO, relay driver and contactor. The GUI program is implemented using labVIEW for process monitoring. Based on the calibration tests, it was found that the results are very good with maximum percentage error of 1.25% for axle load meter, 1.2% for right brake force and 1.3% for left brake force

Keywords: Brake force, Axle Load, labVIEW, myRIO

Topic: Electrical Engineering


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