AASEC 2019 Conference

Potency of Cajuput Leaf Waste as Additional Feed Concentrate
Ana Widiana (a*), Rizal M Hasby (a), Ukit (b)

(a) Faculty of Science and Technology. UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. *anawidiana[at]uinsgd.ac.id
Jl. AH. Nasution No. 105 Bandung West Java Indonesia

(b) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Programme. UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Jl. AH. Nasution No. 105 Bandung West Java Indonesia


Utilization of cajuput leaf waste as a sheep feed, especially protein content (10.65%) has not met the SNI standard (> 15%).The addition of concentrate with high protein content is expected to increase the protein content in feed and improving the quality of feed (especially ammonia (NH3) production in rumen).The purpose of this research was to know the effect of addition of concentrate in increasing the protein content and also the potential of cajuput leaves waste mixture with field grass as a sheep feedby in vitro test. The experiment used a complete randomized design with three treatments(R1 = 50% field grass + 50% concentrate; R2 = 25% cajuput leaves waste + 25% field grass + 50% concentrate; R3 = 50% cajuput leaves waste + 50% concentrate)with four repetitions. Statisticstest with Anova followed by Duncan test. The results showed that the addition of concentarte to mixtured of waste cajuput leaves and field grass can increased the protein content in feed and affectedtothe production of NH3, VFA, and the digestibility of feed.From various aspects,treatment of R2 most likely to be used for sheep feed.

Keywords: feed, in vitro, Melaleuca cajuputi, Waste

Topic: Biology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/BX3bZhVDkapW

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Ana Widiana)