ICEBEES 2019 Conference

A Study on Factors Influencing Purchase Intention of Indonesian Local Fashion Brands
Rediana Wahyu Ardhia, Lidia Mayangsari

Schol of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jl. Ganeca No.10, Lb. Siliwangi, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132


Indonesian consumer market potential has been acknowledged by clothing companies since the cultural norms is changing and there is a strong demand for Western-style clothing influenced by the Western (Hassler, 2006). The rise of Indonesian local fashion brands could be seen from the phenomenon that is happening in the last few years. Kapferer and Schuiling (2016), mentioned that companies have the tendency to focus on the expansion of global brands that then affect to the disadvantage of local brands. While it is quite the contrary of what happens in Indonesia based on Deloitte (2016) findings that most Indonesians are still preferred to buy local fashion brands instead of global fashion brands, the only Indonesian category that prefers to buy global fashion brands are people with monthly income above IDR 10 millions. Thus, even that Indonesia is a compelling market potential for both international and local companies, it is an amusing phenomenon to be the subject of the study to find Indonesian purchasing behavior towards its local brands. This study aims to uncover the purchase behavior of Indonesian towards its local brands. Given several variables regarding to prior studies, The study will be conducted through online survey that is limited to people age 18 – 49 that domiciled in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. The survey outcome will be processed using multi linear regression (MLR) method to see which variables that most influence the purchase intention towards Indonesian local fashion brands.

Keywords: Purchase intention, Consumer behavior, Local brands, Fashion, Indonesian consumer

Topic: Management


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