ISCRBM 2019 Conference

Exploring the Big Data Adoption by Indonesian Start-up Companies
Dianadewi Riswantini, Utomo Sarjono Putro, Manahan Siallagan, Eka Yuliana, Brian Al Afwan Izwar

School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Big data technology is being implemented with success in organizations and science. The benefit magnitude of the technology in business and management makes the companies should not be left behind in implementing it to overcome the competition. Companies do recognize the opportunities of big data analytics for their business, but it seems uncertain about whether they are ready for the adoption of the techniques, even though there are available facilities to implement the technology. The aim of the study is to investigate the adoption capability of big data analytics taking the context of Indonesian start-up companies. Applying research strategy of case study, in-depth interviews were designed to evaluate the adoption capability. The study revealed some novel insights and developed a model for assessing the technology adoption. The model mapped the adoption factors, including the awareness and the readiness towards the companies- business orientation. The study evaluated the relationship between adoption capability and sustainability strategies that are taken by start-up companies. The higher the adoption capability, the more possible companies choose the value-driven business. The start-up companies with a higher adoption capability of big data analytics tend to choose proactive innovation and diversification strategies.

Keywords: Technology adoption; Big data; Start-up companies

Topic: Strategic Management


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