ICIST 2019 Conference

Design Models of Automatic Humidity Control System in Flash Off Painting Line Room to Reduce Defect Products at PT. Kubota Indonesia
Ampala Khoryanton *, Giyanto,Aryo Satito, Sriharmanto,Haryanto,Tegar

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Semarang State of Polytechnic
Jalan Prof Sudarto, SH Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia


The main challenge often faced by PT. Kubota Indonesia in connection with the quality of production is still a lot of level of disability in the production process, especially in the painting process. The process of painting is highly required according to the standard of both the process and condition of the room so that the results of the painting do not occur defects. Based on production data in the period from October 2018 to January 2019 there were 80% defective products with blistering defects of the total defective products, this needs a deeper analysis of the causes of product defects. Blistering defects in the form of bubbles on the surface of the painting result occur because the standard of air humidity is not achieved when the flash off process is caused because there is no tool to condition the air in the flash off chamber. The purpose of this research is to design an automatic humidity control system model that can be used as an alternative to PT. Kubota Indonesia as a method for reducing humidity so that it can reduce the potential causes of blistering defects. Research methods include problem identification, literature study, design, and manufacture of models and testing. Problem identification is done by using the 5M + 1E method to find the root of the problem. The process of designing and making models is divided into 3 important activities namely designing 3D design concepts using solidworks software, designing a control system software with Arduino Uno and designing hardware models. Tool testing is done by testing the automatic humidity control system model on the prepared test chamber model. The results obtained from this study are models of automatic humidity control systems that can condition the humidity in the test room and maintain the humidity according to the set point.

Keywords: air humidity; automatic humidity control system; production quality; painting process.

Topic: Mechanical Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/BgRENdx6JPvp

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