Mother Terapeutic Communication Patterns with Green Theraphy inOvercoming the Case of Gawai Addiction
Ayoedia Gita Citrayomie*, Dr. Agustina Zubair, M.Si.,** and Dr. Henni Gusfa, M.Si.***
Universitas Mercu Buana Kampus A. Kampus Menara Bhakti. Jl Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11650
The use of devices in children causes many negative effects including affecting growth and behavior change in children, namely excessive use of devices or addicted behavior. This study aims to determine the therapeutic communication pattern of mothers in overcoming child addictions. Using the theory of interpersonal communication, theory of Coordinated Management of Meaning, therapeutic communication, and Green Therapy. This research is using constructivitis paradigm with case study method. The researcher conducted observations and in-depth interviews with six informants, five mothers who were dealing with children that addicted to devices and one psychiatrist.The results showed that the addiction of devices in children occurred from the mothers intention to introduce the device to the child. Green therapy is one of many therapy that is used to overcome this addiction. It is a combination of ecopsychology, namely the relationship between humans and nature, and psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals to understand and create meaning from emotional and psychological difficulties. From the five informants, there were three therapeutic communication patterns applied by mothers to children. The first one is animal assistance interventions, which is spending time with animals with the participation of mothers in them. Secondly is therapy with physical activities. The media used are swimming pools and playgrounds. And the last pattern is increasing social involvement in education sector, for example like school. These various communication patterns aim to help children learn new and positive behaviors that will reduce existing problems that is the addiction for devices (behavior using devices).
Keywords: device, therapy, behavior, addiction, child
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