ICCSE 2019 Conference

Study on Control in Room Cooling System for Energy Efficiency
Joshua Dwi Prasetyo, Muhammad Siddiq Purwongemboro, Perystito Septhian Siahaan, Maman Budiman

Internet of Things Laboratory, Department of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung


Energy efficiency is an effort to reduce energy use in doing work. One technology that can be used for energy efficiency is the Internet of Things (IoT). In this study, the energy savings of the room cooling system were reviewed. In order to achieve energy savings in the room cooling system, it takes an room cooling control that can perform energy efficiency while still considering thermal comfort. In this research, a study of the thermal characteristics of the room using IoT technology was carried out. From the results of this study, thermal parameters can be obtained from the room. This parameters is then processed into input variable to obtain the room cooling system control function using Machine Learning. A cyber physical system modeling has been carried out on room cooling systems with IoT technology. This system is able to get the value of room temperature, room humidity, ambient temperature, and the use of room cooling power and store them in Big Data. Energy efficiency control is done by using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) method on compressor unit. In this paper, the performance of the control system is studied by variating the control period and set point temperature. Energy efficiency by the control reaches 73\% on outdoor temperature about 30$^0$C, the indoor temperature range obtained is $pm$ 0.4$^0$C from set point temperature value, and the temperature results achieved by the control has 0.02$^0$C difference with the temperature desired by the user.

Keywords: Energy efficiency, room cooling system, IoT, thermal characteristics, Machine Learning

Topic: Artificial Intelligent and soft computing

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/BhUQLZDNJ7Xv

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