ICEBEES 2019 Conference

The Impact of Influencer Marketing on YouTube Towards Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention
Riyan Emeraldi Rahman & Dr. Rifelly Dewi Astuti

Magister Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia


Recently, YouTube has been the most used social media platform by Indonesians, according to a research conducted by Hootsuite in 2019. Apart from the main function as a medium for publishing contents, YouTube is also known as a medium to do marketing activities for various types of products. There are some people who can make a big impact and well-known on social media, they usually called as an influencer. This research is focus on the impact of social media influencer value (SMIV) model in influencer marketing towards a product, which in this research is recognized as a high involvement product. The main topic in this research is to know will the SMIV model, which consists of advertising value and source credibility can or cannot affect consumers brand awareness and intention to purchase. The method used in this research is quantitative research, by conducting online survey process. All of the obtained data will be analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. The result is SEM path modelling shows that most part of the SMIV model has direct and significant effect towards consumers brand awareness and intention to purchase. Further results are also discussed in this research.

Keywords: Marketing, Digital, Influencer Marketing, YouTube, Brand Awareness, Purchase Intention, Conference

Topic: Management


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