BIS 2019 Conference

Implementation of Customer Satisfaction Principles in Islamic Philanthropy Institutions Governance at LAZ Dana Kemanusiaan Dhuafa, Magelang City
Nurodin Usman

FAI UM Magelang


The management of Islamic philanthropic institutions in Indonesia is dominated by conventional models and has not yet adopted modern quality-oriented management. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of customer satisfaction principles in Islamic philanthropy institutions governance at LAZ Dana Kemanusiaan Dhuafa, Magelang City. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The theory used is customer satisfaction concept as one of the principles in Total Quality Management. The result shows that LAZ DKD has formulated service quality standards based on feedback from customers, both internal and external. The organization also has a mechanism for dealing with complaints, lost customer analysis, ghost shopping, and conducting customer satisfaction surveys periodically. Thus, LAZ DKD succeeded in building the trust and loyalty of muzakki so that they became regular customers, and there were not many complaints. The commitment to applying this principle, in the long run, will provide opportunities for sustainability and get more enormous benefits.

Keywords: customer satisfaction, Islamic philanthropy, zakat institution

Topic: Religious Studies


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