ICRD 2019 Conference

Indrawan Haryanto (a); Ni Wayan Kartika Simastuti (b)

a) Master student of Economic Development, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada
b) Undergraduate Students of Regional Development, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada


Food as a basic human need must be fulfilled over time by person, household, regency, province, and nation from the national level to households and individuals. Somehow, some people still can-t reach a minimum standard of food fullfilment named food security. As there are different level of food fullfilment by different group of people, a study about the difference is needed to understand more about food security. Salatiga City is a city that the landscape of it is mixture of rural and urban, which roughly 5% of the worker in Salatiga City work in agricultural sector, whom not food resistant for every level that exists, especially in its famer-s households. This research aims to classify farmer-s household food security, identify sub-district typologies according to the class proportions of farmer-s household food security, and describe the characteristics of farmer-s household food security in Salatiga City. This research was done by using quantitative methods with secondary data analysis, the Salatiga City-s Rumah Tangga Usaha Pertanian issued by the Central Bureau of Statistic. Data processing was done by using descriptive analysis techniques and scoring analysis techniques as well as plotting the Terner Diagram. The results showed that the farmer-s household food security index of Salatiga City had a higher average value than the national and Central Java Provinces and was slightly lower than the value of Java Island.Demographic characteristics of food security in the Karawang Regency demographic, that consist of the sex of the head of the family, the age of the family head, the number of family members, and the education level of the household head as well as rural areas and urban areas showing different patterns for each class typology of agricultural household food security.

Keywords: food security, household food security, farmer-s household food security

Topic: Food Security

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/CLGT7cpV6fK8

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