Online Learning Laboratory through Video Tutorials and Blogs at IAIN Kendari
Syahrul(a*), Abbas(b), La Hadisi(c), Lily Ulfia(d), Raehang(e), Hasniah(f)
a) IAIN Kendari
b) IAIN Kendari
c) IAIN Kendari
d) IAIN Kendari
e) IAIN Kendari
f) Universitas Halu Oleo
This article aims to provide an overview of: 1) online learning practices at IAIN Kendari; 2) video tutorial design in learning at IAIN Kendari; 3) the use of blogs as a means of online learning. The study was conducted qualitatively, where data was collected through observations, interviews, and study of learning documents. The results showed that: 1) learning practices using online media such as video tutorials and blogs were only carried out by a few lecturers; 2) video tutorial design contains learning material on several subjects that require repeat views; 3) the use of blogs as a means of online learning is still low, this is related to the low technology literacy of lecturers at IAIN Kendari.
Keywords: Laboratory; Online Learning; Technology Literacy
Topic: New Technologies in Education