APS 2019 Conference

NaX and NaX Cation Exchanged as Catalyst for Aquathermolysis Reaction in Heavy Crude Oil
Ferry Iskandar (a,b*), Arung Bahari Muslim(a) ,Tirta R. Mayangsari (c), Akfiny H. Aimon(a,b)

a)Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
b)Research Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (RCNN),
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
c)3Department of Chemistry, Universitas Pertamina,
Jalan Teuku Nyak Arief, Simprug, Jakarta, 12220, Indonesia


Synthetic zeolite is one of materials that frequently use as a catalyst in aquathermolysis reaction for non conventional oil. The reason is because zeolite has pore structure, high selectivity, high stability, high specific area and has an acid Bronsted site. The mechanism of zeolite as a catalyst is by donating hydrogen from acid Bronsted site to the heteroatom (Sulfur,Nitrogen and Oxygen) bond in the non conventional crude oil which has been lysis in aquathermolysis reaction. However the hydrogen donor synthethic zeolite comes only from the acid Bronsted site. To improve the hydrogen donor in aquathermolysis reaction, we decided to cation exchanged the NaX by co-precipitation method. Cation exchanged process occurs by replacing the Na cation of the NaX with NH4, Therefore the amount hydrogen donor of the zeolite was increased for aquathermolysis reaction. The result of this research showed that NaX with 7 days of aging could increase the API Gravity heavy crude oil from 17 to 25. The composition samples and crystallinity of samples were characterized using Fourier Transform Infared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The increasing amount of API Gravity of the heavy crude oil also shows that the heavy crude oil after aquathermolysis using NaX has higher quality crude oil.

Keywords: Aquathermolysis; Cation Exchanged; Enhanced Oil Recovery; Non Conventional Oil; and Zeolite

Topic: Condensed Matter Physics

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/CMkvUL9dR4Yg

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Arung Bahari Muslim)