Siti Widharetno Mursalim, S.IP., M.Si.
School of Public Administration, The National Institute of Public Administration
In recent years, the concept of social entrepreneurship has begun to develop in Indonesia. Many social organizations have emerged and were initiated by young people born in the 1990s to 1997s or what are called millennial generations (, 2017). Their presence certainly needs to be considered, considering the number of millennial population aged 15-34 years currently reaches 34.45%. The millennials behavior are considered as very innovative person in bringing up their ideas. It is proved by the emerged of young social entrepreneurs, many of them have achievements at the world level. For instance Ecodoe, a group of young people who empower local craftsmen and housewives in West Java. OSIRIS from Yogyakarta that focuses on empowering people who have physical limitations in managing dragon fruit, Kama Batik which helps solve the problem of waste management in the bati industry and empowering women. Eventhough the millennial generation is widely regarded as a busy generation with gadgets and technology, they have strong commitment to solvesocial problems in Indonesia. Through high-tech capabilities, they can use technology to help their social organizations as Riliv. It is an online platform that can connect the depression with the psychologists. Therefore, the aim of this research is to see how much social entrepreneurship is carried out by millennial generations in Indonesia.
Keywords: Millennial, Social, Entrepreneur
Topic: Entrepreneurship
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