BIS 2019 Conference

The Development of Project Based Learning through Boyolali Local Wisdom as a Milk Town
Triyono,a), I Sujadi1, dan D Indriati 1

Magister Program of Mathematics Education
Sebelas Maret University


Since 2013, learning has been required to prepare pupils in developing skills in XXI Century. Project Based Learning is one of learning method suggested by teachers. Howewer, obstacles and weakness can still be found at the process. The obstacles found by teachers are used to determine basic questions. Hence, the objective of this research is to make this existed learning perfect. The develepment model in this research uses 4-D models, which are define, design, develop and dissemination. First of all, analyze the need until Project Based model depiction based on local wisdom and analysis of problem source as Boyolali Milk Town can be achieved. Response and suggestion to repair the existed learning model can be found as the result through FGD at Boyolali MGMP. From the result, it is found 70% teacher agree this learning model can be applied in class at statistics lesson. Furthermore, this kind of learning model is able to develop students- skill in preparing 4C ability needed in XXI century. Those things can be seen from the existed learning process.

Keywords: Project Base Learning, Local Wisdom

Topic: Education


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