ICoSI 2019 Conference

Designing education based on al-Quran in Islamic university
Yayat Suharyat; Muzayyanah Yuliasih; Agustina

STP Aviasi Jakarta


Education is a passion for the struggle of every nation to have equality in mutual relations between nations. In addition, education is the most strategic method in building national character. One of the potential levels of education in character building is college. Therefore, universities are required to reverse their education systems, especially curriculum that are used so they can change the culture of life to have the nature and attitude of fighting in the performance of nation and state development. This study aims to answer the design of education at the Islamic University based on Al-Quran and its correlation with the ideology of Indonesia, Pancasila, in building the character of the nation. The type of research chosen is library research, because the data source used is entirely from the library or documentative. Namely reviewing data sources consisting of literature relating to the theme. The results of the study answered that education based on Al-Quran serves as an introduction, habituation, and planting of noble character values to students in order to build human faith and fear God. The formation of the character of students is very important and should not be ignored by anyone for the future of the nation and the maintenance of religion with the method of ushasan hasanah which is soft-power.

Keywords: education based on Al-Quran, Islamic University, education

Topic: International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/D6JjGLNMWqXc

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