ICIEVE 2019 Conference

Intelligence Chatbot For Indonesian Law on Electronic Information and Transaction
Vipkas Al Hadid Firdaus(a*), Pramana Yoga Saputra(a), Dodit Suprianto(a)

a) Information Technology, State Polytechnic Of Malang
Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.9, Kota Malang 65141, Indonesia


In the Law Fiction Theory, it is assumed that once the government enforces legal norms at that time, everyone is considered to know the law. So that someones ignorance of the law cannot free him from lawsuits. This condition led to the emergence of legal cases caused by a lack of public understanding of the law. This paper introduces a potential solution by providing chatbots platforms performed in the legal field to be able to help overcoming such issues. We propose a chatbot using Natural Language Processing which is designed to provide information, for those who need information regarding applicable laws. Users can ask questions related to the contents of existing legal documents through bots, then bots will search according to user requests related to ITE law. Artificial Intelligence is applied to bots so that bots can behave like humans and provide information needed by the user. The experimental results have shown that chatbot could recognize all of the questions from user and could answer correctly.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Telegram, Natural Language Processing

Topic: Computer and Communication Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/DAxUeZqKHVW6

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Vipkas Al Hadid Firdaus)