AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Analysis for 10th Grade Indonesia of Bacteria Material Based On Scientific Literacy
Mindo Lilis Hutabarat(a*), Fauziyah Harahap(b), Tumiur Gultom(b)

1. Postgraduate Students in Biology Education, Medan State University
2. Department of Biology Education, Medan State University
*Contact Person e-mail: hutabaratmindo[at]


This research aims to obtain information about scientific literacy in Biology books in the 10th grade of Medan city high schools (SMAN) at Bacteri material. The scientific literacy categories analyzed are 1) the knowledge of science, 2) the science of way of thinking, 3) the investigative of science, and 4) the interaction of science, technology, and society. The subject of this research is the teaching material used by Biology High School teachers, namely books published by Yrama Wydia, Grafindo, and Quadra. The method used is a descriptive method by analyzing the teaching materials used in SMAN 1 Medan, SMAN 3 Medan, and SMAN 4 Medan. Data analysis using descriptive statistics. The results of data analysis showed that scientific literacy in the book published by Yrama Wydia was: the knowledge of science is Good, science as a way of thinking is Good, the investigative of science is Not Good, the interaction of science, technology, and society is Good In the Grafindo book, namely: the knowledge of science is Good, science as a way of thinking is Good the investigative of science is Not Good the interaction of science, technology, and society is Good. And in Quadras book, namely: the knowledge of science is Good, science as a way of thinking is Good, the investigative of science is Not Good, the interaction of science, technology, and society is Good.

Keywords: Science Analysis, , Scientific Literacy, Bacteria

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development


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