Integration of Environmental Damage Prevention Instruments in the Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation Business in Riau Province
Zulfikar Jayakusuma
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Riau
Palm oil is currently the mainstay commodity of Indonesia in generating foreign exchange. However, many oil palm plantations have been accused of being commodities produced from plantations that damage the environment, such as forest conversion, threatening biodiversity, planting deep peatlands and damaging water systems. The government made a policy of certifying sustainable palm oil plantations, Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) to address this problem. However, ISPO has not been able to solve the problem of oil palm plantations from Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to restructure the exploitation of oil palm plantations by prioritizing integrated prevention instruments. Based on the background of the problems that have been described, the focus of this research is how the concept of integrated environmental damage prevention instruments in the exploitation of sustainable oil palm plantations in Riau Province. The integration of environmental damage prevention instruments is that these instruments cannot stand alone, but are complementary and mutually supportive to realize economic viability, socially feasible and environmentally feasible for oil palm plantations. Instruments for preventing environmental damage, are more effective in managing natural resource management. However, this instrument must be implemented in an integrated and integrated as a prevention system. Unified and not integrated instruments to prevent environmental damage in the development and management of natural resources, resulting in the realization of sustainable development. So that formally even though this instrument has been implemented and adhered to, but in its operation the oil palm plantations still cause pollution and environmental damage. Studies in Riau Province show that KLHS is not integrated into the RTRW. Environmental audits carried out in the context of ISPO certification, are not effective because they are not supported by KLHS, RTRW and other prevention instruments. Preventive instruments are a system consisting of several inter-related sub-systems. An environmental audit is not effective without the AMDAL instrument that preceded it. Likewise, in order to prepare an AMDAL, a licensing system that has been prepared by the government requires and sets environmental quality standards and environmental damage criteria. The KLHS must be the basis and guideline for planning programs and activities as well as government policies including in preparing an RTRW for an area. In the implementation of certain preventive instruments, the implementation must take precedence over other preventive instruments.
Keywords: Integration, Damage Prevention, Palm Oil Plantation
Topic: Environmental