MSAT 2019 Conference

Identification of Tidal Current Vertical Stucture In Ombai Strait and Timor Passage
Erlin Beliyana (a), Ivonne M. Radjawane (b), R. Dwi Susanto (c)

a) Oceanography Student, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Graduate Program in Earth Science, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganeca 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Oceanography Research Group, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
c) Department of Atmospheric and Ocean, University of Maryland, USA


Indonesian seas are strongly affected by strong semidiurnal tidal signals from the Indian Ocean and diurnal signals from the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, within the internal seas, there is possibility of mixed tides (semidiurnal and diurnal signals). This research is focused on determining tidal current based on the velocity data measured during the INSTANT (International Nusantara Stratification and Transport) program. The velocity data from Ombai Strait and Timor Passage from January 18, 2004 to December 31, 2004 are analyzed. Characteristics of tidal current data at certain fixed depths (50, 100, 350 and 750 meters) are processed and calculated using MATLAB software and present the magnitude and variability of total currents, residual currents, and tidal currents as well as vertical variability at these straits. In Ombai Strait and Timor Passage currents tend to move zonally (east – west). The dominant tidal currents are observed at 350 and 750 meters, while subtidal (nontidal) current dominant occurs with 50 to 150 meters.

Keywords: Currents; Tidal Currents; Residual Currents; Ombai Strait; Timor Passage

Topic: Coastal and Ocean Dynamics


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