ISBEST 2019 Conference

The impact of Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty, Brand Image on Service Quality
Deni Surapto

Universitas Terbuka


The value of customer loyalty for the institution has the effect of decision making involving alternative available brands. More value in loyalty can minimize costs in marketing, leverage, attract new customers, be responsive in responding to threats, opportunities, opportunities, strengths from competitors. Looking at the 33-year Open University experience, the study tries to broaden our understanding of understanding college branding that focuses on diverse brand concepts. The principles of brand management and good strategies that will be used will overcome the imaging barriers of brand distance education. The methodology in this research uses Structure Modeling Partial Least Square with stratify random sampling, the number of samples 285 people through four Likert scales. The findings prove that Service Quality has a significant positive effect (5,147) on Brand Image, Service Quality has a significant positive effect (2,978) on brand trust level, Service Quality has a significant positive effect (7,719) on Brand Loyalty, Service Quality has a significant positive effect on (11,489) Tangible , (9,519) empathy, (9,857) responsiveness, (15,819) reliability and (8,568) guarantees and greater than t-tables. Conclusions and suggestions Based on the results of the discussion of research on the Factor Analysis of the Relationship Structure Between Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty, Brand Image on Service Quality shows the conclusion that Service Quality has a significant positive effect on Brand Image. Quality of Service Significantly positive effect. The level of brand trust. Service Quality has a significant positive effect on Brand Loyalty. The positive experience of students in service needs to be appreciated by UPBJJ in supporting the promotion and public education. Enhancing services is perfect to support the experience effects of new customers. from these results customers will spread good news to prospective customers / prospective students, Can increase loyalty efforts by paying attention to the needs of students in improving services.

Keywords: Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty, Brand Image, Service Quality

Topic: Knowledge management and organizational learning


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