AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Attitudinal Appraisal in Ahoks Speech
Firdha Sabrina, Amrin Saragih, Siti Aisyah Ginting

English Applied Linguistic, State University of Medan


This research was carried out to investigate the attitudinal appraisal in Ahoks speech. The objective of the research is to find out the type of attitudinal appraisal that used Ahok in his speech. The subject of this research is Ahok who gave speech at Kepulaun Seribu in 2016. The utterences of Ahoks speech in word or phrase were the data of this research. This research used descriptive qualitative method and the instrument of this research was observation. The types of attitudinal appraisal were analyzed by using theory of Martin (2003). In this research found 3 types of attitudes appraisal are applied in Ahoks speech, the types are affect, judgment and appreciation where every types of attitudinal appraisal applied in positive and negative.

Keywords: Attitudinal appraisal, speech

Topic: Social,Language and Cultural Education


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