ICPS 2019 Conference

Analysis of Methods and Procedures for Employee Recruitment and Selection Implementation at the Bima branch fast food company
Erick Fajar Subhekti

Student of Master Program Study of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Airlangga No. 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia
e-mail : erick.fajar.subhekti-2018[at]pasca.unair.ac.id


This study aims to find out how the methods and procedures for the recruitment and selection of employees at the Bima branch of fast food companies in meeting the needs of Human Resources in the company. The author uses descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. The technique of determining informants in this study used a purposive sampling technique consisting of assistant managers, shift leaders, crew, host, and stock control as informants. Library research and field research are data collection techniques used in this study, while the technique of checking the validity of the data consists of credibility, transferability, dependence and certainty. The data analysis techniques of this study consisted of data reduction, data presentation, then drawing conclusions.The results of this study are companies using closed recruitment methods, the source of recruitment is divided into two, namely internal and external companies, the stages of recruitment consist of checking, coordination, posting announcements, allowance for applicants, calling applicants. Then the selection method for prospective employees used is the Scientific selection method which is a development of non-scientific selection and, the selection procedure applied to the crew consists of administrative tests, psychological tests, interview tests and announcement of employee acceptance. While the selection procedure for staff consists of administrative tests, psychological tests, interview tests, training (for three months), trials (for three months), and graduation announcements.

Keywords: Methods, Procedures, Recruitment, Selection.

Topic: Human Resource Development

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/DzAFEv34KYWf

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