AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Euphemism in Online Article on Konsultasi Syariah
Rindi Puspita (a*), Sri Minda Murni (b), Sumarsih (c)

a) English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Indonesia
b) State University of Medan, Indonesia
c) State University of Medan, Indonesia


Abstract Euphemism is a word or an expression which is delicate and inoffensive and is used to replace or cover a term that seems to be either taboo, too harsh or simply inappropriate for a given conversational exchange and is the substitution of a more pleasant or less direct word for an unpleasant or distasteful one. Euphemism is common in society, we can found euphemisms in mass media, internet, etc. Some euphemism use in religious language. Ovidu (2008) stated that in the religious language, the use of the euphemism is not necessarily due to modesty, but to fear. So based on Ovidu statement the researchers will make a research about euphemism in religious language that used in article on Konsultasi Syariah. The data will be gathered by using documentary technique, the data will be limited on article that publish in 2018.

Keywords: euphemism, religious language, article

Topic: Social,Language and Cultural Education


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