ICoLiST 2019 Conference

Plastic Waste in Ternate Island Ocean
Mimien Irawati Al Muhdhar (1,a), I Wayan Sumberartha (1), Zainudin Bin Hassan (2), M. Nasir Tamalene (3,b), Bahtiar (3), Muhammad Shalahuddin (4), Rahayu Faradila (3)

1) Biology Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Malang
2) Department of Educational Foundation and Social Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
3) Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Khairun
4) Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Industri Turen

a) mimien.henie.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
b) acil[at]unkhair.ac.id


Plastic accumulation in the ocean creates environmental issue. It is a habit of people of Ternate Island to throw garbage away to the ocean because they consider the ocean as a dump place. The research aims to classify types of plastic waste in Ternate Island ocean. The research location includes Bastiong, Kota Baru, Gamalama, Mangga Dua, Kalumata, Kastela, Kampung Makassar, Koloncucu, Sulamadaha and Takome. The research method used is an explorative survey method and direct collection of types of macroplastic waste dispersed in the coastal area and Ternate Island ocean. Data is analyzed descriptively by performing a classification based on the types to describes the types of the plastic waste. Microsoft Excel 2010 is used to calculate the percentage of the plastic waste types. The research result indicates that pastic waste in the Ternate Island ocean is categorized into 7 (seven) categories, namely: plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic glasses, plastic food packaging, plastic bottle packaging, kitchen ware, toys, plastic straws and plastic straps. The plastic waste is found at sea level and seabed. Marine biota uses the plastic waste such as bottle as a shelter and to lay eggs.

Keywords: plastic waste, ocean, Ternate Island

Topic: Bioconservation

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/EAv6gBqM3Tey

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar)