ICoSI 2019 Conference

Collaboration between Social Values and Information-Communication Technology (ICT): A Strategy to Empower Startups in Indonesia
Maulana Pratama1, Widodo Muktiyo2, Joko Sutrisno3, Suwarto4, Sutanto5

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Indonesia is currently entering the knowledge economic era after the industrial sector lost its position as a driver of economic growth. In 2018, startups become the most potential economic sector in Indonesia after contribution 57,5% of the GDP. The low TFP growth rate and the small number of startups which utilize ICT indicate that ICT literacy education is necessary to empower Indonesian startups and accelerating economic growth. However, older and least educated people are not interested to utilize ICT for business purpose since they do not find the root of their cultural value within it. An empowering project is essential to increase the interest in using internet and further ICT to empower startups in Indonesia. This research create an appropriate strategy that collaborates the social values and ICT by improving the empowering project of digital startups and collaborate it with the social values of Indonesia in every stages of the empowering project.

Keywords: Empowering strategy, Startups, Indonesia, Social Values, ICT

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/EWPQqdjKG3MZ

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