AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Policy Analysis of the Free Education Program Implementation in Medan 1 Public School 2017/2018 Academic Year
Ilyas S. Sitorus (a*), Eka Daryanto (b), Restu(c)

a)Student of Doctoral Education Management atUniversitas Negeri Medan
b)Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan
c)Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan


Abstract. The purpose of this study is to find, and obtain data that can provide information about the implementation of free education policies in Medan 1 Public Middle School using the theory of public policy by Syaiful Sagala, and find out the obstacles faced in implementing the Education Policy Free 2017/2018 school year. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. The main data sources are words and actions. Sampling in this research is Purposive Sampling and data collection using is observation, interview, and documentation. Using informant triangulation and review techniques to ensure data validity. Based on the data analysis and the discussion that has been conducted, the results of the study show that it has taken; the implementation of free education policies in Medan 1 Public Middle School has gone well where, 1) BOS funds received by schools have been used properly, namely for funding education, especially school operational costs. All students, especially those who are less able to carry out their learning activities cheaply and easily, that is, they do not have to pay fees managed by the school, for example tuition fees, development money, registration fees, and book money or can be said free of charge. While for non-operational costs it is still the responsibility of the parents of students. 2) Constraints faced in the Implementation of the Free Education Policy at Medan State Middle School I of the 2017/2018 Academic Year are; the complexity in preparing the accountability report, the delay in disbursing funds is the lack of certainty on the date or time of disbursing funds, decreasing education services especially extracurricular activities, assuming that the public with the free education policy is completely free.

Keywords: Keywords - Policy, Implementation, Free Education, BOS Funds

Topic: Educational Policy and Administration Education


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