MSCEIS 2019 Conference

Analysis Students Mental Model through Representation for Addition and Subtraction in Primary School
Dini Asri Kusnia Dewi

Indonesia University of Education


Many people assume that addition and subtraction are simple calculations. However, some studies in Indonesia reveal that students still experience some problems associated with it, such as the carrying method in addition and borrowing method in subtraction. In terms of learning, when referring to Brunners theory, the presentation of the textbook does not provide an explanation of how to calculate using the iconic representation. Of all these things, it is important to be able to know the way students think that this depends on the mental model. However, because the mental model is an internal representation then the effort that can be done is analysis them through representation. Therefore, this study was conducted through tests and interview for students, also interviews for teachers. The field survey results show a tendency in selecting the type of representation. In addition, this paper will also be presented a representation of the mental model of a student.

Keywords: Mental Models, Representation, Addition, Subtraction

Topic: Mathematics Education


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