ECEP 2019 Conference

Gender And Toys In Early Childhood Education: Using Post structuralism theory
Suci Ramdaeni, Vina Adriany, Hani Yulindrasari

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


This paper aims to explore the gender construction of children through toys. By using a post-structuralist perspective, researchers look at how power relations are intertwined in childrens play activities that strengthen binary masculinity and femininity through toys. This study uses ethnographic studies conducted in Bandung, Indonesia. Data analysis used grounded theory which produced 164 codes. The findings show that toys used as learning media are often gendered. Children and teachers alike reinforce stereotypes in the selection of toys between boys and girls which actually reinforces gender inequality in Early Childhood Education. This finding also recommends that educators in Early Childhood Education be more gender sensitive and become a reference for implementing a gender sensitive curriculum in Early Childhood Education.

Keywords: Gender, Early Childhood Education, Post- structualism, Toys

Topic: Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


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